Sunday, September 20, 2015

Cascading Waterfall on New Haven River

Going through my 2014 photos, I discovered this little cascade photo that I took in May along the road from Bristol up to Lincoln along the New Haven River (and post processed the usual way with Topaz Adjust and Simplify). It was just a small tributary to the New Haven River. and I discovered it by chance while trying to take photos of the main river. It one was only a few feet tall and, of course, not marked in any map.

It shows that it is not just the big waterfalls that provide the most beautiful images. You have to explore, and more often than not, you discover little gems like this.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Late Afternoon at the Lake

While working on my annual Calendar project, I stumbled across this image that I took while on tour with Alex this spring. It was a perfect early May day, lots of sun and an amazing sunset at the Burlington Waterfront. I am sure you will see more photos from that outing, but here is a first one: The Burlington breakwater with the southern lighthouse in a dreamy late afternoon sun.

The original photo was rather uninspiring (colorless), so I took the challenge making this into a meaningful image: Topaz Adjust and Simplify to the rescue...

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Summer Evening in Westford

August has been dry and rather warm this year. It's September as I am posting this, but the photo is from August, only a few days old. There is a barn down the road from us with haybales in front. I have been driving by every day, but last week I had to get there with my camera in the evening light to take photos.

Here is the result after some 'Topaz' post processing that brings out the hazy mood of that warm late summer day even better (you can click onto the image above to get a higher resolution one).

For those of you who do not know yet: I am using some photo editing plugins from Topaz Labs (Adjust, Simplify, DeNoise, ...). One of my favorite settings in "Adjust" is called 'faded glory'. I used this one on the barn photo and tweaked a few things here and there. Although I hardly noticed them at exposure time, I especially like the goldenrods in the foreground.

YAPB ... yet another photo blog ?

I know... the world has heard enough opinions, chatter and plain old babbling. But no serious photography site is complete without a "Blog". Yes, even in times of twitter, facebook, instagram and other countless social media sites, I am starting this new blog. Mostly because I do not like most of those social media sites for various reasons, and second, because I have much more control over what I post and how it is presented in a blog (no character limit, photos added to entries, formatting and layout).

So what can you expect to find here? I guess you could summarize it as "Results of Bernhards Photography Journey". Opinions about software, hardware, but mostly examples of my photo editing experiments. Keep it simple. I am looking for feedback to figure out what you/potential customers like or dislike about my photos. And you will get firsthand views of some work I will add to my permanent portfolio.

I hope you enjoy the ride!